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Please make sure that you read over our guidelines and check back for updated changes to the events page. Currently there are no scheduled Raids/Dungeons, however if you wish to plan a raid and would like it listed, please let Ameliae know and she will list the details onto the website for you. This can and will include daily Cyrodiil runs.


For now this is our Guild website that will be added to as we see fit. Any suggestions are also welcome.


Our main request is that you read over our guidelines so that it makes our job easier.


"To the Queen" - Ameliae

To the Eastern most Isle, Lydarix took a swim, only to find the Heritenace Trainee's chasing after him

This is the picture that indeed you do seek! Here is the clue, to Lydarix you need speak!

"To the Eastern most Isle, Lydarix took a swim, only to find the Heritenace Trainee's chasing after him."

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